Gung Cakra Injector

V1.4 PART 6
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How to install Gung Cakra Injector APK?

1. Tap the downloaded Gung Cakra Injector APK file.

2. Touch install.

3. Follow the steps on the screen.

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Are you irritated while fighting in Mobile Legends Bang Bang without having updated skins, effects and background?

What is Gung Cakra Injector?

Gung Cakra Injector is a new tool, exclusively made for the Mobile Legends Bang Bang or MLBB game that allows the players to get the premium things like skins, effects and backgrounds for free. It is more useful for the newcomers and for people who don’t wish to spend a single penny for enhancements of the games. We have other injectors also you can try Gringo XP this is best working injector. So, let’s take a look at the short overview of the game, its specifications, and why it is worth a try indeed if you are into MLBB.


Features of Gung Cakra Injector:


  • MLBB Skins: Unlock different skins for ML avatars such as the latest and other skins that you want to add.
  • Latest Skins: Gives new costumes to approximately 8 characters.
  • All Skins: The free models that usable for different classes as Assassin, Marksman, Tank, Fighter, Mage or Support.
  • Anime Skins: To add on, ML heroes can be animated by anime-themed skins such as Alucard X Rengoku Ling X Tomioka, etc.
  • Recall Effects: To assist your memory you can boost your recall with such effects as Light & Dark, Halloween, Saber, Venom, and MSC.
  • ML Backgrounds: While not yet implemented, this feature specifications gives the hope that it will be possible to customize MLBB backgrounds in the future.

How to Install an Gung Cakra Injector APK


  1. Download the APK File: Click on the download button provided to get the Gung Cakra Injector Apk.
  2. Locate the File: Go to your download history and find the APK file on your phone.
  3. Allow Permissions: Click on the downloaded file and grant any required permissions.
  4. Install the App: Tap on the install option to set up the app on your device.
  5. Open and Use: Once installed, open the app, scan for upcoming sessions, and start testing new features.




  • Operating System: Android 5. 0 and above
  •  Version: V1. 4 Part 6
  •  Developer: Gung Cakra
  •  File Size: 7MB
  •  Price: Free




Gung Cakra Injector is an application that we often use when playing MLBB as it gives a hand with sets of free in-game boosts, allowing to play against opponents who spend money without Paying. If you are the first to get on it you will in fact have an upper hand with its special attributes. Nonetheless, since it is not from the official MLBB store, its usage should be done carefully so that one does not experience some problems. Do not hesitate to download Gung Cakra Injector now and rise your gameplay instantly.



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